Volunteer Name * First Name Last Name Email Address * Phone * (###) ### #### Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Language(s) Spoken * Arabic Chinese English French Japanese Portuguese Russian Spanish Other Choose the statement that best represents you * Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior Believe in God but haven't accepted Christ undecided Availability * Please select one or more options Weekend Workshop (4 Hour Shift) Weekend Workshop (8 Hour Shift) One-Week Summer Camp Weekday Workshop Ongoing, Weekday Commitment Volunteer Roles * Please select one or more options Christian Education Academic Education (early childhood >Secondary) Academic and Psychological Assessments Life skills Job training knowledge of their country via tourism Social graces/Etiquette training Communication skills training Outreach ministries Counseling(in house, alumni & other) Technical Skills Please list any technical skills that you have Why would you like to volunteer with us? * Would you be willing to complete a personal background check? * Yes No Thank you!